Recently I had the great pleasure of discovering a box containing a plethora of exceptional French handwritten letters and documents dating from the 17 to the 19th century. These ancient papers represent a remarkable window into an extraordinary past, a point in time that brings into mind Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Victor Hugo... It is almost impossible to believe that such fragile treasures have survived through many centuries, considering the turbulent history of France.
We come and go... Yet somehow the delicate traces of our lives remain. This is truly fascinating to me.
The contents of the box were divided in 4 large bundles, each one containing more than one hundred pages of these captivating records. All the documents are handwritten in ink with some of them containing gorgeous stamps and signatures. They are in various sizes but mainly in A4 format and in a wonderful timeworn condition. Some are written on a single piece of paper, while others contain up to ten pages or more. This is a highly decorative treasure, bursting with glorious beauty and splendour!